Lean Kanban North America 2017 has ended
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Mihaly Czikzentmihaly

Claremont, CA USA
Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi (pronounced "chick-SENT-me-high") is one of the greatest living psychologists of our age. He earned his fame by defining and providing a detailed description of FLOW, a highly focused mental state.

Professor Csikszentmihalyi is the author of a number of bestelling books including
• FLOW – The Psychology of Optimal Experience;
• Good Business – Leadership, Flow and the Making of Meaning;

Followers regularly hold meetings devoted to Flow theory in Europe, Asia, as well as the U.S. and government officials have been examining how to translate the idea of Flow into public policy.  The business community has also been successfully applying his ideas to the goal of maximizing employee productivity.